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iRubric: Dialogue rubric

iRubric: Dialogue rubric

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The purpose of this assignment is to engage the class in the student issue related to populations that are marginalized on the IU campus.
Rubric Code: M5374
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Private Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric U546 Dialogue

10 pts


9 pts


8 pts


7 pts

Explanation of the Issue
20 %


Team members clearly articulate the problems/challenges/issues in the case, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding. Evidence of context for the specified population at IU is well described.

Team members clearly articulate the problems/challenges/issues in the case so that understanding is not seriously impeded by omissions. Evidence of the context for the specified population at IU is defined, but could be further examined.

Team members articulate the problems/challenges/issues in the case but description leaves some terms undefined, ambiguities unexplored, and/or background for the specified population at IU unknown.

Team members state the problem/issues/challenges in the case without clarification or description. No context for the specified population at IU is provided.
15 %

inviting perspectives of peers


Team members clearly identify the relevant stakeholders (i.e., faculty, students, staff) in the case and gain additional viewpoints on issues related to stakeholders from peers. Team members engage peers in discussion when peers may see (self and role) issues differently based on social identities.

Team members identify the relevant stakeholders (i.e., faculty, students, staff) in the case, but perspectives from peers in discussion are not often considered. Team members may consider how peers view (self and role) issues based on their social identities in the case.

Team members identify some relevant stakeholders (i.e., faculty, students, staff) but miss primary stakeholder to consider. Peers' ideas are not considered in discussion. Peers views related to (self and role) are not considered.

Team members fail to identify relevant stakeholders and do not consider perspectives of peers about the relevant stakeholders in the case. Peers viewpoints based on (self and role) are dismissed.
Self and the Role
20 %

focused on team members facilitating


All team members thoroughly (systematically and methodically) analyzes own and others' salient identities and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a case. Masterfully articulates how power, privilege, and oppression (self and others) shape the way the issues in the case are considered.

Team members Identify own and others' salient identities and several relevant contexts when presenting a case. Team members articulate how power, privilege, and oppression (self and others) plays a role but does not differentiate how. Perhaps one or more team members monopolize discussion.

Team members question some assumptions about differences in perspectives based on salient identities. Identifies several relevant contexts when presenting a position. May be more aware of others' considerations based on power, privilege, and oppression than one's own (or vice versa). Some voices of team members are missing.

Shows an emerging awareness of present salient identities influencing perspectives on the case. Fails to identify some areas where power, privilege, and oppression play a role in the case. Some voices of team members are missing.
15 %


As a result of the application exercise or discussion, team members gained differing perspectives on the case based on peers' comments. Application activity deepens understanding of readings and/or applies previous class concepts for peers.

As a result of the application or exercise or discussion, team members ask for different perspectives. Application activity relates to understanding of readings and/or applies previous concepts, but does not deepen understanding.

Team members facilitated discussion or an application activity related to the case, but the application or discussion is often disconnected from readings and/or previous class discussions.

Team members do not engage classmates in a discussion or application activity because the team members talked the whole time. The dialogue does not relate to class readings or previous discussions.
Facilitation with peers
15 %


Team members elicit feedback from peers in the discussion of the case and/or application that allows for different insights to be offered. Peers model skills (e.g., asking for clarification or elaboration, discussing biases and assumptions, hearing multiple perspectives, applying class learning contract elements). Peers adapt well as discussion evolves.

Team members elicit feedback from peers in the discussion of the case and/or application. Peers occasionally apply skills (e.g., asking for clarification or elaboration, discussing biases and assumptions, hearing multiple perspectives, applying class learning contract elements). Team members sometimes notice when redirecting and summarizing is needed.

Team members occasionally elicit feedback from peers throughout the dialogue timeframe. When challenges arise, team members withdraw from the process as opposed to redirecting or adapting.

Team members fail to elicit feedback from peers throughout the dialogue timeframe.
Utilization of time/resources
15 %


Team members masterfully use the time allotted to not only present the issue, but also engage classmates in discussion and/or application activity.

Team members used the time allotted to present the issue and engage classmates in discussion, but had too much time or too little time to for the discussion and/or application activity.

Team members presented the issue in the class, but did not have time to elicit feedback from peers or engage classmates in an application activity.

Team members failed to utilize time well. Classmates were not involved in either discussion or an application activity.

  • Dialogue



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