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iRubric: H464 Crisis Management Paper Rubric

iRubric: H464 Crisis Management Paper Rubric

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H464 Crisis Management Paper Rubric 
Crisis Management Rubric
Rubric Code: D4C35
Private Rubric
Subject: Health  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Crisis Management Rubric
  No Way


Part Way


On the Way


All the Way


Introduction-Define the issue

3 points

No Way

The paper does not idenitfy possible crisis events that can occur in schools.
Part Way

The paper vaguely mentions the possible crisis events that can occur in schools.
On the Way

The paper identifies possible crisis events that can occur in schools but is lacking clarity or sufficient detail.
All the Way

The paper clearly identifies possible crisis events that can occur in schools.
Introduction-Define the issue

5 points

No Way

The paper does not describe an effective crisis management plan or include essential actions during and after a crisis.
Part Way

The paper describes parts of a crisis management plan but does not include essential actions during and after a crisis.
On the Way

The paper describes an effective crisis management plan
OR includes essential actions during and after a crisis.
All the Way

The paper describes an effective crisis management plan
and includes essential actions during and after a crisis.


9 points

No Way

The paper does not identify or discuss the role of teacher during and after a crisis

The paper cdoes not specify how to assist students during a crisis.
Part Way

The paper vaguely identifies and discusses the role of teacher during and after a crisis

The paper does not clearly specifiy how to assist students during a crisis.
On the Way

The paper identifies and discusses the role of teacher during and after a crisis but is lacking clarity or sufficient detail.

The paper specifies how to assist students during a crisis.
All the Way

The paper identifies and discusses the role of teacher during and after a crisis

The paper clearly specifies how to assist students during a crisis.

5 points

No Way

The paper does NOT define a crisis management team, explain its role, or how teachers can work with team.
Part Way

The paper partially answers the questions but does not define a crisis management team, explain its role, OR how teachers can work with team.
On the Way

The paper defines a crisis management team, OR explains its role, OR how teachers can work with team.

The paper may be lacking cohesion or sufficient detail.
All the Way

The paper clearly defines a crisis management team, explains its role, and how teachers can work with team.


3 points

No Way

The paper does NOT reflect on what the student learned regarding crisis management OR how you can help the school where you will work prepare for and manage a crisis.
Part Way

The paper partially reflects on what the student learned regarding crisis management OR how you can help the school where you will work prepare for and manage a crisis.
On the Way

The paper clearly reflects on what the student learned regarding crisis management OR how you can help the school where you will work prepare for and manage a crisis.
All the Way

The paper clearly reflects on what the student learned regarding crisis management AND how you can help the school where you will work prepare for and manage a crisis.

Technical Writing Guidelines

Points that can be subtracted for failing to meet guidelines (Up to 5 points)

No Way

The paper does not follow technical guidelines.
Part Way

The paper meets half of the technical guidelines (2/4).
On the Way

The paper meets the majority of the technical guidelines (3/4).
All the Way

The paper meets all 4 of the technical guidelines:
-Papers will be typed, 1.5 spaced, 12 point New Times Roman font, with 1” margins.
-Include all headings
-Include cover page with name, class title, assignment title, and due date.
-Correct spelling and grammar.
Technical Writing Guidelines

Points that can be subtracted for failing to meet guidelines (Up to 5 points)

No Way

The paper does not follow technical guidelines.
Part Way

The paper meets half of the technical guidelines (2/4).
On the Way

The paper meets the majority of the technical guidelines (3/4).
All the Way

The paper meets all 4 of the technical guidelines:
-Paper text will be 2 pages in length.
-Papers must include at least two sources properly cited in AMA style in the text.
-References on a separate page using AMA style.
-Rubric completed and attached

  • Crisis Management, Teacher, Schools, CSHP



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