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iRubric: Explore Learning SMART NB Lesson Plan rubric

iRubric: Explore Learning SMART NB Lesson Plan rubric

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Explore Learning SMART NB Lesson Plan 
Rubric Code: Y5396
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

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4 pts


3 pts


1 pts

Standard 8:
100 %

Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy


*identifies all of the following in the lesson plan:
•the goal of the lesson
• the national/NCTM standard or
•the state or Common Core standard addressed in the lesson

*does not identify one of the following in the lesson plan:
•the goal of the lesson
•the national/NCTM standard or
•the state or Common Core standard addressed in the lesson

*does not identify two of the following in the lesson plan:
•the goal of the lesson
•the national/NCTM standard or
•the state or Common Core standard addressed in the lesson
Standard 8:Standard 7:
100 %

Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy



*uses knowledge of different types of instructional strategies in planning mathematics lessons

*selects and uses appropriate concrete materials for learning mathematics

*use of stimulating curricula

*primarily uses one instructional strategy in the lesson but does attempt to employ another

*selects and uses appropriate concrete materials for learning mathematics but this identified list is incomplete

*curricula chosen invites limited student engagement in the lesson

*only uses one instructional strategy in the lesson

*does not select and use appropriate concrete materials for learning mathematics

*curricula chosen does not invite student engagement in the lesson
Standard 3:
100 %

Knowledge of Mathematical Communication


*communicates mathematical thinking coherently and clearly

*uses language of math to express ideas precisely

*organizes mathematical thinking through communication

*analyzes and evaluates the mathematical thinking and strategies of others

*communicates mathematical thinking, but sometimes is not clear

*uses incorrect or imprecise (slang) mathematical language infrequently

* mathematical thinking is not always organized or scaffold is sometimes not adequate

*responses to questions or comments of students are sometimes incomplete or unclear

*mathematical communication is not clear or coherent in many instances

*uses incorrect or imprecise (slang) mathematical language several times

*mathematical thinking is not organized or scaffold is often inadequate

* responses to questions or comments of students are off target or mostly inadequate
Standard 4:
100 %

Knowledge of Mathematical Connections


*recognizes and uses connections among mathematical ideas

*recognizes and applies mathematics in contexts outside of math

*mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole

*recognizes and uses connections among mathematical ideas but these are not always well developed

*applies mathematics in contexts outside of math but at times does not always present them clearly or properly

*mathematical ideas mostly interconnect and build on one another but sometimes fail to produce a coherent whole

*does not recognize or does not use connections among mathematical ideas when needed

*attempts to apply mathematics in contexts outside of math but these attempts are inadequate

*mathematical ideas do not interconnect and do not produce a coherent whole
Standard 5:
100 %

Knowledge of Mathematical Representations


*uses representations to model and interpret mathematical phenomena

*creates and uses representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas

*selects, applies, and translates among multiple mathematical representations to solve problems

*uses representations to model and interpret mathematical phenomena, but sometimes uses them inappropriately

* creates and uses representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas but sometimes this communication is unclear

* Selects, applies, and translates among multiple mathematical representations to solve problems, but sometimes incorrectly or unclearly

*does not use representations or uses incorrect representations in the modeling of mathematical phenomena

* creates and uses a single representation to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas and mostly this communication is unclear

* Selects, applies, and translates among only one mathematical representation to solve problems
and at times this is done incorrectly or unclearly
Standard 1: Standard 2:
100 %

Standard 1: Knowledge of Mathematical Problem Solving

Standard 2: Knowledge of Reasoning and Proof


*applies and adapts a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems

*builds new mathematical knowledge through problem solving

*monitors and reflects on the process of mathematical problem solving

*makes and investigates mathematical conjectures

*develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs

*applies limited problem solving strategies in the lesson

*attempts to build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving

*provides limited opportunities for reflection of problem solving

*poses limited mathematical conjecturing n the lesson

*requires limited mathematical justification or argumentation

*does not employ problem solving strategies in the lesson

*does not attempt to build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving

*provides no opportunities for reflection of problem solving

*does not employ mathematical conjecturing in the lesson

*does not require mathematical justification or argumentation
Standard 6;
100 %

Standard 6: Knowledge of Technology


*uses knowledge of mathematics to select and use appropriate technological tools:

specifically in this lesson

* uses SMART Notebook with links to Explore Learning to present the lesson

*Explore Learning applet is directly related to the stated objectives

*uses 10 or more pictures, graphs, charts, or tables in the SMART Notebook lesson that are directly related to the stated objectives

* all software was utilized correctly.

* uses knowledge of mathematics to select and use appropriate technological tools:

Specifically in this lesson

* uses SMART Notebook and Explore Learning (without links) to present the lesson

*Explore Learning applet is indirectly related to the stated objectives

* uses 6 or more pictures, graphs, charts, or tables in the SMART Notebook lesson that are directly related to the stated objectives

* some minor glitches with the

* uses knowledge of mathematics to select and use appropriate technological tools:

Specifically in this less

* uses only SMART Notebook or Explore Learning to present the lesson

*Explore Learning applet is not directly related to the stated objectives

* uses less than 6 pictures, graphs, charts, or tables in the SMART Notebook lesson or the representations used are not directly related to the stated objectives

* major proble
Standards 9-15
100 %

Standards 9-15
Content Standards


*meets more than 80% proficiency of the indicators (appropriate for high school level) given for the mathematical strands of:

-Number and Operations
-Discrete Mathematics
-Data Analysis, Statistic, and Probability

*meets more than 50% proficiency of the indicators (appropriate for high school level) given for the mathematical strands of:

-Number and Operations
-Discrete Mathematics
-Data Analysis, Statistic, and Probability

*meets less than 50% proficiency of the indicators (appropriate for high school level) given in the strands

-Number and Operations
-Discrete Mathematics
-Data Analysis, Statistic, and Probability
Standard 7; Standard 8
100 %

Standard 7:

Standard 8:
Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy


*attention to equity—high expectations and strong support for all students

*Selects, uses, and determines suitability of the wide variety of available mathematics curricula and teaching materials for all students including those with special needs such as the gifted, challenged, and speakers of other languages

* considerations for gender, SES, and under-represented diversities are present in the teaching materials used and instructional plan

*student expectations are not always at the appropriate level or some students are not supported at the required level

*Selects, uses, and determines suitability of the wide variety of available math curricula teaching materials, but one of the following populations of students such as the gifted, challenged, and speakers of other languages are not supported.

* considerations for gender, SES, or under-represented diversities are in the teaching materials used and instru

*not all students are not expected to succeed or supported in their math learning

*Selects, uses, and determines suitability of the wide variety of available mathematics curricula and teaching materials, but one of the following populations of students with special needs such as the gifted, challenged, and speakers of other languages are not supported.

* considerations for gender, SES, and under-represented diversities are not in the teaching materials used and instruc
Standard 7; Standard 8
100 %

Standard 7: Dispositions

Standard 8:
Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy


*uses various assessments (formative and summative)

*the level of the assessment questions are at the application level or higher

*uses multiple strategies, including listening to and understanding the ways students think about mathematics, to assess students’ mathematical knowledge

*attempts to use assessments (formative and summative)

*the level of the assessment questions are at the comprehension level or higher

*attempts to use multiple strategies, including listening to and understanding the ways students think about mathematics, to assess students’ mathematical knowledge

*uses only formative or summative assessments (not both)

*the level of the assessment questions are at the knowledge level or higher

*does not use multiple strategies, including listening to and understanding the ways students think about mathematics, to assess students’ mathematical knowledge
125 %

Item 11:


All of the following are present:
*Lesson Plan is given with a SMART Notebook file containing an Explore Learning link.

*A Calibri, Cambia, or Times New Roman font is used.

*Only one file is submitted.

*The organization of the lesson plan was coherent and readable. It is clear what the teacher candidate is doing and all parts of the plan are clearly delineated.

One of the following is missing:
*Lesson Plan is given using SMART Notebook containing an Explore Learning link.

*A Calibri, Cambia, or Times New Roman font is used.

*Only one file is submitted.

*The organization of the lesson plan was readable but sometimes not fully coherent. It is not clear what the teacher candidate is doing or all parts of the plan are not clearly delineated.

* Two of the following is missing:
*Lesson Plan is given using SMART Notebook not containing a Explore Learning link

*A Calibri, Cambia, or Times New Roman font is used.

*One Smart Notebook and one GSP file submitted.

*The organization of the lesson plan was readable but sometimes not fully coherent. It is not clear what the teacher candidate is doing or all parts of the plan are not clearly delineated.
125 %

Item 12:


*The multiple representations and directions indicated are appropriate for the intended objectives.

*The visualization offered is appropriate for the problem or situation explored.

*The multiple representations and directions indicated are sometimes not appropriate for the intended objectives.

*The visualization offered is at times misleading for the problem or situation explored or can lead to student misconceptions with the mathematical ideas.

*The multiple representations and directions indicated are not appropriate for the intended objectives for the majority of the lesson.

*The visualization offered is misleading for the problem or situation explored and will most likely lead to student misconceptions with mathematical ideas.



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