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iRubric: Final Paper: Reading Development Stories rubric

iRubric: Final Paper: Reading Development Stories rubric

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Final Paper: Reading Development Stories 
Rubric Code: V5ABW
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate, Graduate

Powered by iRubric Final paper
  The F paper

1 pts

The D paper

2 pts

The C paper

3 pts

The B paper

4 pts

The A paper

5 pts

Content & Development
60 pts

Content & Development
(60 pts). Including use of scholarly literature to support the ideas presented

The F paper

Does not respond to the assignment,
lacks a central idea, and may neglect to use sources where
The D paper

Does not have a clear central idea or
does not respond appropriately to the
assignment. Paper may misunderstand sources.
The C paper

-Adequate but weaker and less
effective, possibly responding less
well to assignment. Presents central
idea in general terms.
Usually does not acknowledge other
views. Shows basic comprehension
of sources, with lapses in
understanding. If it defines terms,
often depends on dictionary definitions.
The B paper

- A solid paper, responding
appropriately to assignment. Clearly
states the central idea, but may
have minor lapses in development.
Shows careful reading of sources,
but may not evaluate them critically.
Attempts to define terms, not always
The A paper

-Excels in responding to assignment.
Interesting, demonstrates
sophistication of thought. Central
idea is clearly communicated, follows a logical sequence.
Understands and critically evaluates
its sources, appropriately limits and defines terms. Important quotes from the interview transcript are included in the paper. Two people were interviewed to complete the assignment.
Organization & Structure
20 pts

Organization & Structure
(20 pts)

The F paper

Structure of the paragraph is not easy to follow.
- Paragraph transitions need improvement
The D paper

May have random organization,
lacking internal paragraph structure
and use few or inappropriate
transitions. Paragraphs may lack
topic sentences or main ideas, or
may be too general or too specific to
be effective. Paragraphs may not all relate to paper's subject.
The C paper

May list ideas or arrange them
randomly rather than using logical structure. May use
transitions, but they are not in a logical sequence. While each
paragraph may relate to central idea,
logic is not always clear. Paragraphs
have topic sentences but may be
overly general, and arrangement of
sentences within paragraphs may
lack structure.
The B paper

Shows a logical progression of ideas
and uses fairly sophisticated
transitional devices; e.g., may move
from least to more important idea.
Some logical links may be faulty,
but each paragraph clearly relates to
paper's central idea.
The A paper

Uses a logical structure appropriate
to paper's subject and purpose.
Sophisticated transitional sentences
often develop one idea from the
previous one or identify their logical
relations. It guides the reader
through the chain of reasoning or
progression of ideas.
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
20 pts

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
(20pts). Including use of appropriate citation style

The F paper

- Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
-Impossible for the reader to follow thinking from sentence to sentence.
- Few, if any, necessary citations are provided.
- Bibliography is missing or incomplete.
The D paper

-Paper contains many grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
-Reader unable to understand or see connections between thoughts.
- Many necessary citations are missing.
- There is no consistency in the formatting of the citations and bibliography.
The C paper

-Paper contains several grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
-Language consistently lacks clarity, sentence structure may be wordy, unfocused, repetitive, or confusing.
- Not all citations that are necessary are provided.
- Citations and bibligoraphy contain numerous formatting errors. bibliographical format.
The B paper

- Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
- Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversational tone.
- Citations are used appropriately.
- Citations and bibliography contain a few formatting errors.
The A paper

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
- Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.
- Citations used appropriately when necessary.
- Citations and bibliography correctly formatted.



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